Sunday, September 30, 2012

Conversion stories

I got to go to church with my mom today. She has a great ward! I especially liked their 5th Sunday lesson. They had a few members of the ward share their conversion story. It was neat to hear about the people that made a difference in their lives and their conversion. I'm thankful for their stories and the Spirit. And I'm thankful for the push it gave me to continue to look for and act on opportunities to be a member missionary.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Family time

I am thankful for my family. I sure love them. I'm thankful I could spend this weekend with my mom, Aaron, Jamie, and their boys. We went swimming, saw a movie, and ate good food! I'm thankful that I decided to come down to St. George this weekend.

Friday, September 28, 2012


I love people. I love to be with the people I love. But sometimes I just need some me time. Not me and homework time. Not me and chores time. Not me and stress time. Just me time. Some of my favorite me time happens when I'm driving. Sometimes I like my car quiet. But today, driving to St. George, it was a tunes day. Just me, my tunes, and the open road. And about the same time I decided I had had enough me time, I made it to St. George. And I've been enjoying family time ever since!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Finished group projects

Group projects are the worst!! I just finished one. The project - we had to teach our class session. It's a 3 hour class. It wasn't the best. We took too much time (how does that even happen when you have 3 hours to fill?)!! But, it's over. And I'm so thankful that it's finished!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My people born in September

Up until now I've done a pretty good job at dedicating my "thankful for" to the people I love on their birthday.  For some reason, September didn't work out.  So today I'm thankful for my people who were born in September who did not have a "thankful for" dedicated to them on their birthday!  Hopefully they still love me. 

Aaron (September 5): Aaron is a fabulous big brother! I absolutely love it when Aaron laughs!  He never laughs quietly, it's always loud and committed!  Aaron has always been so willing to help me (for example - the shelves he built in my garage a few weeks ago).  He's always willing to chat with me about finances or decisions.  He gives great advice.  And he's always willing to exercise his priesthood when I need a blessing (even on his birthday!).

Cameron (September 7): Cameron is not my oldest nephew, but he is my biggest.  He's only 12 and he's only 2 inches shorter than me!  When I go to their house, he is always the first to welcome me. He loves to play chess he gives the best bear hugs!!

Wendee (September 15): Wendee is my favorite running buddy.  She introduced me to running and it's her fault I'm addicted!  I'm sad I won't be able to run the St. George Marathon with her this year. Wendee is a great mom!  Her kids are so smart and I just love them to pieces! I'm thankful that she is a part of our family!    

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Chick fil A

I've been craving Chick-fil-A since Saturday. Four days. Today I finally gave in and ate there for lunch. Grilled chicken nuggets, waffle fries, Chick-fil-A sauce and diet coke. It was delicious. And that Chick-fil-A place has customer service figured out! Don't tell, I may have to eat there again tomorrow!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Friends who follow the Spirit

It's comforting to know that I have friends who can recognize and follow promptings they receive from our Heavenly Father. I had the opportunity to hear two stories from two different friends about how they acted on promptings from the Spirit. Both situations were very hard. I'm proud of both of those friends and I'm thankful to have them and their examples in my life.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Brigham City temple dedication

We had the opportunity to participate in the dedication of the new temple in Brigham City. Instead of our regular 3-hour block of church, we got to attend a broadcast of the dedication. It was a pretty sweet experience. That Hosanna Shout gets me every time! So powerful and joyful! I'm thankful to have another temple so close. And I'm thankful for the modern technologies that make a broadcast like that possible.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


They have the cheapest gas around here. I'm thankful that I can at least save a few cents when I fill up my car!

Friday, September 21, 2012


It's been interesting to try and juggle work and school. There are some school assignments I'm comfortable doing during work time because they relate to my job. There are some assignments I feel like are more appropriate to do on my own time. I'm thankful for Dropbox (an online "storage" that allows me to access my saved files at home and at work)! It makes the juggling a little easier!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I went to a meeting today. After the meeting, one of the agencies we were meeting with taught us all how to play pickleball - basically a mix between tennis and ping pong. It was really a lot of fun! I'm thankful that today I got to play pickleball and count it as work!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A new bumper

I technically got the new bumper yesterday, but I'm still thankful for it today. I'm thankful the guy at the auto body shop gave me a deal. I'm thankful that that deal saved me $200. And I'm thankful that I don't have to see a dented, scratched, not-fully-connected bumper on my car any more!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Having my back popped

I know it's bad for me. I don't usually do it too often. But sometimes I just REALLY need my back popped! Today was one of those day. By the end of the day it hurt to even take a deep breath! When I finally got home for the night (after having tried all day to pop my my back myself), I finally got krista to pop it. It was awesome! And I felt so much better. Like I said - I know it's not the best to pop your back, but today I'm thankful I did!

Monday, September 17, 2012


I woke up early this morning with an upset tummy. Shortly after, I started puking. Stomach flu. Yuck! My fabulous sister did a Sprite run for me. She dropped it off on my doorstep and I've been sipping on it all day. I'm thankful for the hydration, the sugar, and the bubbles that have calmed my queasy stomach. I'm thankful Sharon lives so close and that she was willing to run to the store for me.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday dinner

Our friends Parker and Janae came over tonight. Parker made the most delicious dinner - chicken alfredo. We had a great time enjoying one another's company. The missionaries came over to teach Janae. And we finished the night off with strawberry shortcake made by Em. It was a great Sunday evening. I'm thankful for the great good, the good company, and the Spirit we had tonight.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Today I'm grateful for the opportunities I am given to serve - especially when I get to serve people I love. I had to fill up my car with gas today. As I pulled out of the gas station parking lot, I saw my friend from my ward. This amazing girl is here from New Zealand. She's going to school and working. She doesn't have a car so she either rides her bike, walks, or takes the bus. As I was pulling out of the gas station, I saw her get off the bus, with her hands full of stuff. I stopped and offered her a ride home. I just love her and I admire all she does and who she is. She really is just a light in this world! I'm so thankful that I was in the right place at the right time to be able to serve her!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Park city with Riana

My old roomie Ri is in town - just for the night. She flies out to Hawaii tomorrow. We're in a fight because she didn't invite me to go with her! Not really - but I'm sad I won't be getting on the plane with her tomorrow. She got into town this evening and we headed up to the outlets in Park City. I didn't find much (that seems to be the case with me and shopping lately...which is good because I don't have a lot of extra cash), but it was fun just to hang out.

Going to bed without a headache

Enough said - after 8 days of having a headache, it feels really good to be able to go to bed without one. And I'm thankful.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The dark

I'm not usually thankful for the dark, but today I am. Today, in the dark, my brain and my body got some much needed rest. I've had a headache since my car accident a week ago. Nothing has helped the headache. My physical therapists suggested that I might have had a concussion. They said it might be a good idea to take a few days off and lay in a dark room - no TV, no phone, no noise, no nothing. It sounded like torture to me, but I decided to try it - anything to kick the headache!! And...I think it helped. I was surprised how much I slept today! I really think my brain and my body needed some time to rest and heal. Unfortunately, I did have to get up this afternoon and go to school. But I get to rest at home again tomorrow. Hopefully after two days, my brain and my body will be sufficiently rested so I can get back to normal life!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rotated tires

I finally got my tires rotated today. It has been quite the ordeal. I tried to go a couple weeks ago, but I couldn't find my wheel lock key so they couldn't do it. My brother Chris recently changed my brakes for me (super nice of him), so I called him to see where the key ended up. Chris had zero luck finding the key. I went back to discount tire to see if they had a new one I could buy - no such luck. I ended up having to go to the dealership to get a new key. And today I finally got those tires rotated! I'm thankful I can check that off the to-do list for another 5.000 miles!

Monday, September 10, 2012


Noah is my next door neighbor. He's four...ish. Noah is OBSESSED with the garbage truck and everything to do with it - including the big garbage cans. Noah and I have had some very extensive conversations about the garbage cans. During one of these conversations, he informed that from now on, he will be taking our big garbage cans out to the curb for us. So the night before garbage day (Monday night), I go get Noah from his house and he "helps me" take the garbage out. He is a great little helper! Really, it would be easier just to take the cans out myself, but he's so darn cute and entertaining! I just can't pass up the opportunity to make his night! He really loves the garbage!! I'm hoping someday soon he will remember my name. I tried to get him to say my name tonight, but he told me couldn't say it and that he would just call me "lady" instead. Haha!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Family get togethers

With the exception of my dear mom, my whole family lives with 10 miles of each other. Even though we live close, we don't get together nearly enough. But we got together today. We have 3 birthdays in September so we all got together for treats. It only lasted an hour, but I'm grateful that we were all able to get together. We even facetimed my mom in!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A clean garage

My fabulous brother called me this morning. He said he had some extra time today and offered to come put a shelf up in my garage. I had told him a while ago that I wanted a shelf to be able to keep things a little more organized. I'm so thankful that he thought of me today. I'm sure there were plenty of other things he could have done with his free time. And I'm thankful for the shelf I now have in the garage. I'm excited to make thy shelf the new home for some of the things in my house.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Mountainland Physical Therapy

I had surgery on my knee 2 years ago. For a few months after the actual surgery, I spent at least 2 days a week at Mountainland Physical Therapy. I grew to really love the people there. When they said I was done and didn't need to come back, I cried. The lovely neck strain (whiplash) I now have because of the stupid car accident on Wednesday has given me a new excuse to visit all friends at physical therapy. I went today and I loved being there. I really do love those people. And while I would much rather not be injured and not need physical therapy, I'm thankful to have a clinic I trust with people I love!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Less excitement

Today was a very chill day. The painkillers I took last night didn't wear off until about noon...which made for a relaxing morning. I dozed in and out of sleep until just after noon when I finally got up and got ready for the day. I decided not to take painkillers during the day today so I could drive to my class tonight. Sitting through a 3 hour class with a strained neck isn't very comfortable! Now I'm home and all loaded up on drugs again. I hope my neck/back/head feel better in the morning!! I'm thankful that today was not nearly as exciting/traumatic as yesterday!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My life

Today was a traumatic day. I drove my car (even though it's a school day) so I would be able to make it home in time to go to our ward temple night. I never even made it to school because some idiot rear ended me. The same idiot was driving on a suspended license, with no insurance, and pulled a freaking gun on the cop!! When the cop got him out of the car and away from the gun, the cop searched him and found that he also had a knife in his pocket. It's pretty unbelievable. I'm so, so, so thankful that guy didn't pull his gun on me!! I think Heavenly Father is trying to get across a message - that there's a reason why I'm here and that there are people looking out for me!

I'm also thankful for my mom, who let me cry in her ear while I tried to process what had just happened.

I'm thankful for Krista, who offered to come be with me when the accident happened. And who drove me to the hospital, sat forever, drove home to get the insurance card I left on the table, took me to Wal-mart to fill my prescriptions, and called my brother to come give me a blessing.

I'm thankful for Aaron, who was so willing to drop everything to come help me - even on his birthday! And I'm thankful for Jared, who was so willing, but unfortunately stuck in Boise.

I'm thankful for Wendee, who offered to come be at the hospital with me, and checked up on me just to make sure I was okay.

I'm thankful for my co-worker, who texted me to tell me she put my name in the temple.

I'm thankful I'm alive and well (minus the whiplash), and I'm thankful for the incredible support system I have.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

City Creek

I have a love/hate relationship with my teachers letting us out of class early. I love it because I really struggle to sit and listen for 3 hour. But I hate it because it messes up my plan to get home! Usually when I get out early, I end up getting home at the same time because I'm not early enough to make the earlier train home. That's what happened (again) tonight. I'm thankful for that beautiful place which provides an excellent opportunity to kill some time!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

I made a to-do list for this day off. I wasn't sure I would be able to get everything on my list done in one day. But I totally did! I woke up early (without an alarm clock), went for a walk outside, cleaned my bathroom, took 2 online quizzes and submitted an assignment...all before noon! Then I went grocery shopping, got my eyebrows done, made dinner (which will also be lunches and dinners the rest of the week), made muffins (which will be breakfast for the rest of the week), and made it to bed before 10:00! I'm thankful for this day off! I wish I could have every Monday off!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Book club

Tonight was the first time I have ever participated in a book club having actually the read book. However, there were only a couple other people who came who had actually read the whole book. The discussion about the book didn't last long - no one really loved the book. But, I'm thankful thy we got have friends at our house for a few hours to enjoy good food and each other's company!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

A loan

I'm thankful for the opportunity I have to go back to school. I'm also thankful that my mom is willing to give me loan to help pay for school. Getting a master's degree at the U is expensive! It makes things easier for me to be able to borrow that money from my mom instead of having to get a student loan from the government. I'm thankful that she is willing and able to help me!