Monday, September 10, 2012


Noah is my next door neighbor. He's four...ish. Noah is OBSESSED with the garbage truck and everything to do with it - including the big garbage cans. Noah and I have had some very extensive conversations about the garbage cans. During one of these conversations, he informed that from now on, he will be taking our big garbage cans out to the curb for us. So the night before garbage day (Monday night), I go get Noah from his house and he "helps me" take the garbage out. He is a great little helper! Really, it would be easier just to take the cans out myself, but he's so darn cute and entertaining! I just can't pass up the opportunity to make his night! He really loves the garbage!! I'm hoping someday soon he will remember my name. I tried to get him to say my name tonight, but he told me couldn't say it and that he would just call me "lady" instead. Haha!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Love it. Wish we could have you come play with us.