Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My people born in September

Up until now I've done a pretty good job at dedicating my "thankful for" to the people I love on their birthday.  For some reason, September didn't work out.  So today I'm thankful for my people who were born in September who did not have a "thankful for" dedicated to them on their birthday!  Hopefully they still love me. 

Aaron (September 5): Aaron is a fabulous big brother! I absolutely love it when Aaron laughs!  He never laughs quietly, it's always loud and committed!  Aaron has always been so willing to help me (for example - the shelves he built in my garage a few weeks ago).  He's always willing to chat with me about finances or decisions.  He gives great advice.  And he's always willing to exercise his priesthood when I need a blessing (even on his birthday!).

Cameron (September 7): Cameron is not my oldest nephew, but he is my biggest.  He's only 12 and he's only 2 inches shorter than me!  When I go to their house, he is always the first to welcome me. He loves to play chess he gives the best bear hugs!!

Wendee (September 15): Wendee is my favorite running buddy.  She introduced me to running and it's her fault I'm addicted!  I'm sad I won't be able to run the St. George Marathon with her this year. Wendee is a great mom!  Her kids are so smart and I just love them to pieces! I'm thankful that she is a part of our family!    

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

you do have a great family