Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My life

Today was a traumatic day. I drove my car (even though it's a school day) so I would be able to make it home in time to go to our ward temple night. I never even made it to school because some idiot rear ended me. The same idiot was driving on a suspended license, with no insurance, and pulled a freaking gun on the cop!! When the cop got him out of the car and away from the gun, the cop searched him and found that he also had a knife in his pocket. It's pretty unbelievable. I'm so, so, so thankful that guy didn't pull his gun on me!! I think Heavenly Father is trying to get across a message - that there's a reason why I'm here and that there are people looking out for me!

I'm also thankful for my mom, who let me cry in her ear while I tried to process what had just happened.

I'm thankful for Krista, who offered to come be with me when the accident happened. And who drove me to the hospital, sat forever, drove home to get the insurance card I left on the table, took me to Wal-mart to fill my prescriptions, and called my brother to come give me a blessing.

I'm thankful for Aaron, who was so willing to drop everything to come help me - even on his birthday! And I'm thankful for Jared, who was so willing, but unfortunately stuck in Boise.

I'm thankful for Wendee, who offered to come be at the hospital with me, and checked up on me just to make sure I was okay.

I'm thankful for my co-worker, who texted me to tell me she put my name in the temple.

I'm thankful I'm alive and well (minus the whiplash), and I'm thankful for the incredible support system I have.


Rachelmay said...

I am grateful you are alive too! And that the many people who probably prayed for you this morning remembered you! Love you girl. I hope you heal fast.

Adrienne said...

so scary. I'm glad you're okay and hope you feel better soon.