Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The dark

I'm not usually thankful for the dark, but today I am. Today, in the dark, my brain and my body got some much needed rest. I've had a headache since my car accident a week ago. Nothing has helped the headache. My physical therapists suggested that I might have had a concussion. They said it might be a good idea to take a few days off and lay in a dark room - no TV, no phone, no noise, no nothing. It sounded like torture to me, but I decided to try it - anything to kick the headache!! And...I think it helped. I was surprised how much I slept today! I really think my brain and my body needed some time to rest and heal. Unfortunately, I did have to get up this afternoon and go to school. But I get to rest at home again tomorrow. Hopefully after two days, my brain and my body will be sufficiently rested so I can get back to normal life!!

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