Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Sego Lily giftcard

I have had giftcard to the Sego Lily Day Spa for a long time - like 4 or 5 years. I think my parents have it to me for Christmas? I'm not really sure. Today I finally used it. My hip has really been hurting since Friday last week. I'm pretty sure it was from the long car ride. The massage therapist wasn't at all surprised that it hurt. I basically had one big knot from below my behind up to my neck! I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sore tomorrow! I'm thankful that my parents gave me the giftcard and I'm thankful I saved it so I could use it today!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Judge Judy

We watched Judge Judy in my house while I was growing up. My dad always really liked her because she is assertive and she doesn't take anybody's crap!! When the good TV start ending for the season, I like to record Judge Judy. Then I have something to watch when there's nothing on TV!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A nap

I didn't get home until really late last night. My sister Sharon is in the hospital I was there with her. I woke up exhausted. I went to work long enough to know there wasn't nearly as much to do as I would need to keep myself from worrying about Sharon. So I left, after checking with my boss of course. I stayed with Sharon for a few hours. Eventually I came home so I could wash Sharon's clothes for her. While her clothes were washing, I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. It was probably only 20 minutes, but it was fabulous!! I am thankful for that rest!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Arches National Park

Krista and I spent a couple hours in Arches National Park.  It was a blast!  We got to see some pretty amazing things and we took some really fun pictures.  I'm so thankful that we took the opportunity to stop and experience this park!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Best Western

Krista and I decided to have a little adventure on our way home from Denver.  Instead of leaving on Monday and driving back through Wyoming, we decided to leave today and drive the longer, more scenic route.  We decided to stop in Grand Junction, CO for the night.  We checked out a few little hotels and we were not very impressed!  We finally settled on the Best Western.  I'm grateful we found somewhere affordable and safe!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cousins and the Color Run

The reason Krista and I came to Denver this weekend was to run the color run. It's a 5K, and 5 times during the race they throw crazy colored powder at you. The finish line is a huge color throwing party. It was a blast! We didn't really run - there were way too many people and a lot of them were walking. It was too frustrating to try to run through them all. I'm thankful we signed up for the Color Run!

I'm also thankful for my cousins today. A lot people I know are very close to their cousins. I, unfortunately, am not. I love them, and I do my best to keep up a bit on Facebook, but I don't see them very often at all! This afternoon a few of Russ and Nila's kids came over for a BBQ. It was so fun to sit and chat, to meet all their kids, and just be there for the fun of getting family together!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Russ and Nila

Nila is my mom's sister and Russ is her husband. The live in Colorado and have for most of my life. I haven't ever had the chance to spend a whole lot of quality time with them. But when I called to tell them I was coming to Denver for the weekend, they insisted that I come stay with them. They are just so great! I love them and I will definitely have to plan a return visit to Denver!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


My sister-in-law Jamie is one of the most fabulous people on the planet! Today is her birthday. I consider myself lucky to count her as part of my family. I always leave Aaron and Jamie's home uplifted. Jamie is the perfect mother for her four boys! She always thinks of others! I have come home multiple times to find a little treat or a note on my doorstep from Jamie. I look up to her more than she will ever know! I'm so thankful she was born!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Opportunities to serve

My sister called me at 9:30 this morning. I was at work. She said she was super sick and when she called the doctors office, they told her to go to the ER (this happens rather frequently with my sister). She didn't have anyone who could take her and asked if I might be able to. I'm thankful that I was in a position that I could help her. I'm thankful my job is cool enough to allow me to be able to do something like that. Hopefully she will recover quickly.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

No cavities

I'm sure there are plenty of people who think going to the dentist and not having cavities is no big deal.  Well for me - it's a big deal!!  I've been to the dentist every 6 months since I was like 4.  And every 6 months I had approximately 100 cavities...okay maybe that's an exaggeration.  But seriously, I had at least 2 cavities every 6 months until about 3 years ago.  I brushed AND flossed my teeth and still got cavities.  I have been told I have soft enamel (thanks, dad!).  But today when I went to the dentist - no cavities!!  And I'm so thankful!

Monday, May 21, 2012


Not kisses, but Smoochies, the smoothie place. It's literally 1 block away from my house and it is divine. I haven't had a smoothie there that wasn't delicious! They are a frequent treat for us in the summer!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Regional Conference

Today we had a regional stake conference for all the stakes in Davis county. It was a great opportunity to listen to Elder Holland and President Uchtdorf address us specifically. I'm thankful for the church and the leadership of the church. I'm thankful for the modern technology that makes meetings like that possible.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Ogden Half Marathon

I'm so thankful I finally got to run the Ogden Half Marathon! I have not had good luck with Ogden. The first time I signed up, I signed up for the full marathon. Because of the weather (and a few other things) I get in enough training to run the full marathon. I decided to start the marathon and just jump on a relief bus when I got too tired. That happened at mile 4!! I was super upset because I was definitely prepared to run more than 4 miles! The next day I came down with a fever that lasted a whole week. After 4 trips to the doctor, they found I had pneumonia!! No wonder I didn't run very well! The next year I got smart and signed up for the half marathon. And then I tore my ACL and had to have knee surgery. It was a bummer. But today I finished the Ogden half and it was great! It wasn't my fastest time, but I'm okay with that. It wasn't my slowest time either. This was the first half I've done that I actually ran the whole thing (minus the water stops...I can't swallow and run at the same time)! I'm thankful for that accomplishment!

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Friday off

I literally took the day off. The only productive thing I did was go up to Ogden to pick up my race packet. It was a wonderful, quiet, relaxing day! Hopefully that will equate to a super awesome race tomorrow!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

That feeling

You know that feeling you get - after a long Thursday at work, when you're walking out the door of your office and you know you get the day off tomorrow, you get to run a race on Saturday and you don't have to be back to work until Monday? I totally had that feeling today!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


How convenient is it to be able to watch a TV show you may have missed (or a TV show you couldn't record because there are two others on at the same time)!! I'm thankful we have great technology!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our dress code

Almost everyday, when I'm getting ready in the morning, I'm thankful that I don't have to dress up for work! It's bad enough having to sit in an office for 8 hours of my day. It would totally suck of I had to wear a skirt on top of that! But I don't. I get to wear my shorts and my chacos!

Monday, May 14, 2012

The opportunity to run St. George

I won the lottery!! My winnings? I get to run 26.2 miles on October 6, 2012!! I've run the St. George marathon twice before. Both times were pretty miserable experiences. I'm sure most people would have a hard time understanding why I want to do it again. I really want to "beat" this race. I feel like it has beat me twice now. Now it's my turn! I really want to run the marathon, know I did everything I could to prepare, and finish content with the race I ran. Hopefully the third time really is the charm!! I'm thankful for the opportunity I have to give it my best shot this year!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My mom

I'm super thankful that I got to spend Mother's Day with my mom!! I debated about making a list of reasons why I'm thankful for my amazing mother. I was hesitant to make a list for fear I would forget something, but I suppose that wouldn't be too terrible. So here is a list of just some of the reasons I am thankful for my mom:
My mom can read me like a book. She always know when something is up.
My mom will still let me snuggle with her.
My mom has the BEST laugh in the world!
My mom plays the piano like nobody's business.
My mom always held my hair out of my face when I puked.
My mom taught me how to drive a car with a standard transmission.
My mom laughs at my jokes.
My mom is brave.
My mom took me on lots of adventures to explore the outdoors.
My mom plays with my hair.
My mom is proud of me.
My mom encourages me.
My mom tells me (and shows me) she loves me.
My mom serves every chance she gets.
My mom is a fabulous example of enduring to the end.
My mom always knows what to say when I'm upset.
My mom would do anything for me!!
My mom makes the best skirts and the best pajama pants.
My mom has the prettiest hair!
My mom taught me about the healing powers of the beach.
My mom has a super crazy "mom sense" when it comes to my family.
My mom puts the gospel and her family first - always.
My mom read the scriptures with us before school.
My mom is my best friend!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

My moms new house

My mom is renting a house in St. George (Santa Clara if we're being technical). I love it! We got all her stuff moved in today and it just feels right. I'm thankful she found this one and I'm thankful we could help get her settled. And I'm excited to have a bed to sleep on when I come to visit!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

A hotel room

We're in St. George moving my mom's stuff down for her. For a minute I was worried I would be sleeping on the floor of my mom's new place. I kicked myself for not bringing my air mattress. But, my fabulous mom just got us a hotel room. And tomorrow we will be able to sleep on beds and couches in my mom's house (well, the house my mom will be living in for the next year or so). But for tonight, I'm thankful for the shot at a good night's sleep in a bed!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


We packed up my mom's house today. I spent most of the day packing everything into boxes. When I saw everything in the front room I worried. I was worried it wouldn't all fit in the U- haul and I was worried no one was going to show up to help load it all. The Kaysville 5th ward definitely pulled through! We got everything into the truck and we did it all in about an hour! I'm so thankful it all worked out and I'm excited to see my mom tomorrow!!
The loaded truck (and two handsome brothers) ready to roll!!

Ideas that come together

I'm especially thankful for my siblings. Without them, there's NO way my idea would have come together. I'm thankful to be part of such an awesome family!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Reese's Puff Cereal

I don't know what's going on with my tummy, but for the past two days, that's the only thing that has sounded good to me! I've forced myself to eat other (more nutritious) food also...but I've only enjoyed the Reese's Puff Cereal!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Excedrin PM

Please bless it kicks this headache's trash! 8 ibuprofen (appropriately spaced throughout the day) have not done the trick. A hot bath helped, but did not get rid of it. I am seriously hoping my soft pillow and that Excedrin PM will prevent my head from exploding!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekend visitors

Two of my friends from Idaho came down to visit this weekend. We explored City Creek. They ran in the 5K I was in charge of for work. We visited Ikea and the outlets in Park City. We ate great food at Blue Lemon and Thyme and Seasons. We went to church. We talked a lot and we laughed a lot. It was so great to have them!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

My popcorn bag

Because sometimes I just need something warm!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

City Creek

 I'm thankful I finally got to visit City Creek today! Holly, Jake and I met my friends Hannah and Riana there. It was definitely a fun place to grab dinner and wander. Someday I'd like to go back without the kids and actually look in some of the stores!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A bed to borrow

My roommate Emily has to work a graveyard shift tonight. I really don't know how she (or anyone else) can do it! But tonight I'm grateful because it means I can borrow her bed! My friends came in from Idaho to spend the weekend. Instead of making them sleep on air mattresses, I let them sleep in my bed. Tonight I'll borrow Em's bed and then I'll borrow Krista's since she'll be gone for the next 10 days. I'm sad Em has to work all night instead of sleeping and I'm sad Krista will gone so long. But I'm thankful that I have awesome roommates who will let me borrow their beds!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The acceptance letter

I already knew I got in to grad school at the University of Utah, but that's just because I got an email from the department head. Today I got the actual paper letter from the office admissions. They also said I was accepted! And now it feels a little more real.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Biggest Loser

I find the show inspirational (despite the fact that 9 times out of 10 I am eating something while I watch...). The finale was tonight and it was just fun to see the change that happened in the contestants - inside and out! There's so much garbage in this world, I'm thankful for the shows that are just good!!