Every day there is at least one thing to be thankful for. This is my record.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
I broke down and went to the doctor today. I have been so tired the past few months! I kept telling myself it was just the change in seasons. But, the more I really thought about it, the more I realized there was more to it. My doctor was awesome! He asked me a ton of questions and explained everything to me. He said I was making a pretty good case for low thyroid. When my reflexes responded in a certain way (there's a fancy term for it - but I forgot...), Dr. Christian said, "That's the icing on the cake for me. I will be very, very surprised if your thyroid labs come back normal." He ordered the labs and I should get results the first part of next week. I'm a little bummed - obviously my first choice would be to have a perfectly working thyroid. But, I'm thankful for the validation I received from the doctor. I'm thankful that someone else thinks there really is something wrong. Even though I know my body best and I know that something is not right, it's still nice to know the doctor agrees with you - that he doesn't think it's all just in your head. I'm anxious to see what the lab test say. And I'm anxious to hopefully be able to move toward a solution!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Black Bean Brownies
I tried black bean brownies for the first time a couple weeks ago and I loved them!! I was in Idaho visiting a friend and we literally made 3 batches of brownies in one weekend. I would have felt guilty, except they're really not that bad for you - low fat, low sugar, high protein...you can't ask for much more! Today I got the recipe for said black bean brownies. Within 10 minutes of receiving the recipe, I had my own batch in the oven. I love them. I will have to try to limit my intake so my tummy doesn't object!!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Crystal Light Energy
I'm fairly certain the only reason I made it through this day was the shot of caffeine I had from my trusty Crystal Light Energy...twice today!! I definitely didn't get enough sleep last night. I think I might accidentally/on purpose "forget" to set my alarm tomorrow. Maybe sleeping in will help my body reset! I'm tired of being tired!!
St. George
Today I drove my mom down to St. George. We're hoping that she will be able to breathe better in there. If she can, we will look into moving her down there more permanently. I'm thankful that there is a place a little more than 4 hours away where it's much warmer and the elevation is lower. I'm thankful for the nice people who allowing my mom to stay in their vacation home so we can test it out. And I'm thankful I'm not in the car anymore! Driving to St. George and home in the same day is a LOT of time in the car!!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Gluten free French toast
This morning we had breakfast up at our ward campout. Because I can't eat gluten, I usually pack my own food on adventures like this. If there ends up being something I can eat, I consider it a bonus. If not, at least I know I won't starve. This morning the bishopric made breakfast for everyone. They made French toast as part of breakfast. I took my own gluten free bread into the kitchen to see if those awesome leaders of my ward would let me steal a few eggs and use a corner of the grill so I could make my own French toast. One of counselors took over. He took my bread, mixed up a new bowl of eggs (because the other bowl had already been contaminated with bread) and cleaned off a part of the grill to cook my french toast. He even used a clean fork to flip them so the gluten-y spatula wouldn't touch. It may not seem like much, but today I am thankful that I didn't have to feel like I was missing out at breakfast. I'm grateful for the bishopric and their willingness to go out of their way to accommodate me!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Ward campouts
We had a winter campout with my singles ward last night. (If I got service on my cell phone up in Heber, I would have posted about it last night). Winter campout = sleeping on wood bunks in a yurt with a little space heater. It was a little chilly, but it was still really fun. I loved getting to know some of the people in my ward a little bit better. I'm thankful for the chance I had to see everyone in a different setting. I was also thankful for my awesome mummy bag! I was toasty warm all night!!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
The Sandy City Employee Bowling Tournament
Every year Sandy City holds an employee bowling tournament. It's always fun to do something out of the ordinary with the people you work with. This is my bowling team - me and 4 of the fabulous Parks guys (Bob, Casey, Darrin, and Derrik! I love those Parks guys and we had so much fun! I think I earned the "most improved" award. We bowled 4 games in 2 sessions - my first score was 84 (whoopsies!!), but I just got better from there. On the last game I bowled a 162, which might be the best game I've ever bowled! I'm thankful that I get to work for Sandy City. I'm super thankful for the people I get to work with every day. And I'm thankful we got to take some time today and have fun bowling!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Clean floors at the temple
Tonight I learned that I have taken the spotless floors in the bathroom at the temple for granted. Tonight I had the opportunity to help clean the temple. I ended up in a group with the incredible pleasure of scrubbing the grout in the bathrooms with a glorified toothbrush. My knees are killing me, I'm pretty sure my lungs are damaged from the cleaner, and I have a blister. (oh, and I'm exhausted!! 12:30am is way too late for me!) But I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve and get to know some of the people in my ward a little better. And I'm thankful for the opportunity I had to have my eyes opened to just how much work it takes to keep that temple clean!!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Unexpected phone calls
My brother Chris is in Korea with the Air Force. Usually I can keep pretty good tabs on him through Facebook. And he's usually pretty good at checking in with my mom so I get updates from her. But recently I haven't seen Chris on Facebook and my mom can't talk so he hasn't called her. This morning I left him a message and told him I hadn't heard from him in a while and asked how he was doing. A couple hours later my phone rang. It was Chris! Instead of sending me a message back, he decided just to call. I sure love him! And I loved talking to him! I'm excited for him to come home - in about a month!
Monday, February 20, 2012
I drove to Idaho this weekend for a wedding. The reception was tonight. I had planned help set things up and stay at the reception for an hour or so and then drive home. I knew it would be a late drive home, but I was willing to do it. However, when it started snowing at 2:00pm, I knew I was going to have to change my plans. I helped get the reception set up, but then I had to get on the road. I'm sad that I couldn't help more, but my safety was more important. Today I'm thankful that I was blessed with the patience to drive very slowly in the snow and make it home safe! A lot of people don't do well when they have to drive in bad weather (or in traffic), but I feel like I've been blessed with the patience to handle those situations well. And I'm thankful.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Today I'm thankful for the kind of laughing that makes your eyes water and your stomach ache and leaves you gasping for air. I'm thankful I could enjoy this kind of laughing with good friends. I'm thankful for the great meal we had before our laugh fest. And I'm very grateful that I managed to not pee my pants!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
I honestly can't remember the last time I had a really good nap...until today! I woke up early, went for a run, helped host a bridal shower and then I was ready to crash. I laid down and didn't wake up until 3 hours later! I'm not sure I'm going to be able sleep tonight (drinking a diet coke at dinner probably wasn't the best idea), but I don't really care. That was a great nap!!
Friday, February 17, 2012
No, not the singer...definitely not the singer. Don't get me wrong, I think the singer is super talented, but I swear if I hear one more Adele song, I am going to vomit!
Today I'm thankful for one of the most adorable 2-year-olds I've ever met. I am up in Idaho visiting some old friends this weekend. Adele belongs to my old roommate Katie. The minute I met her, she gave me a giant hug and then wouldn't let go! She kept calling me "my Jetta!" And she loves my red hair! So cute. And I'm thankful I get to see her the rest of the weekend too!!
Today I'm thankful for one of the most adorable 2-year-olds I've ever met. I am up in Idaho visiting some old friends this weekend. Adele belongs to my old roommate Katie. The minute I met her, she gave me a giant hug and then wouldn't let go! She kept calling me "my Jetta!" And she loves my red hair! So cute. And I'm thankful I get to see her the rest of the weekend too!!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Coconut frozen yogurt
When I was little, I wouldn't touch coconut with a nine-foot pole. Now it's one of my favorite flavors! I am a huge sucker for coconut frozen yogurt! I had to stay late at work today. I didn't bring anything for dinner and nothing sounded good to buy, so I ate frozen yogurt for dinner!! The only thing that's better than coconut frozen yogurt is the coconut flavored shaved ice I had in Hawaii. Mmmmmm!!!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
I'm a planner. I like schedules, I like goals, I like lists. I like plans. Without a plan I feel anxious and cranky (usually without recognizing that I'm feeling anxious and cranky). But when I have a plan, I relax. It's kind of funny because that's one thing that always drove me crazy about my dad - everything was always SO scheduled with my dad. And now that's me, but definitely less extreme. Today I am thankful that we got some plans in place for my weekend trip up to Rexburg to visit some friends. I'm thankful that now the anxiety (which I didn't realize I was feeling) is gone and I can just look forward to a fun weekend!!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentine's Day isn't my favorite. Maybe someday when I'm not single it will be a little more fun. However, it IS kind of fun to literally be a Valentine! I'm thankful that I was born into the Valentine family! And I'm thankful for the 17 awesome people I get share my last name with! They will always be MY Valentines - forever! Someday it will be hard to give up my last name...hopefully it will be worth the sacrifice!
Monday, February 13, 2012
No, I did not wear shorts today. I did, however, look through some old pictures and miss my shorts terribly! (Is that "normal" - to miss an item of clothing? Maybe I'm losing it...) I also may or may not have purchased some new shorts during my lunch break trip at target. Okay, really - I did. I couldn't help it. I've learned that cute, long, denim shorts are hard to come by. So when you find some, you have to buy them - even if it's February, and you live in Utah, and you won't get to wear them for a really, really long time. Because someday, when it's finally warm enough, I will be thankful I have those shorts in my closet!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
The Kaysville 5th Ward
I grew up in the Kaysville 5th Ward. Today I went back to the 5th ward for my nephew's ordination. (He didn't actually get ordained - there was a little bit of a mix up, but that's okay!) It was so fun to see all the people I grew up loving - neighbors, friends' parents, old leaders, etc. When I visit the 5th ward, I still feel like I'm "home."
Saturday, February 11, 2012
My own bed
Last night I arrived at my aunt and uncle's house in California at 10:30pm (11:30pm Utah time). I slept for a few short hours in my cousin's bed. I was sad she was out of town because that meant I didn't get to see her, but I was thankful that she was willing to let me crash on her bed while she was gone. Today I drove back to Utah. Salt Lake to LA and back to Salt Lake in less than 24 hours - I don't recommend it. Maybe it was traveling so much in one day, maybe it was sleeping in an unfamiliar place last night, or maybe it's the fact that I'm thrilled to not be in the car anymore...whatever the reason, I am exhausted and thankful to be snuggled up in my own bed!!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Kind strangers
I flew from Salt Lake to Los Angeles tonight. Shortly before we landed in California, I dropped my phone. That's probably the WORST time to drop something small on the floor of a dark plane. That's about the time the plane makes a sharp turn to get the right angle for landing. And then there's the bumps associated with the land. And then the plane stops real fast. When the lights finally came on I was a little bit panicked that I would never see my phone again (not comforting when you have to navigate an unfamiliar city on your own). But luckily I sat next to a very kind stranger from Minnesota. He didn't know me - he had been sleeping for the whole flight. But he saw my distress and quickly went to work helping me look for my lost phone. He found it! I breathed a sigh of relief and gratitude! I hope that kind man enjoys his time in Hawaii!!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
I absolutely LOVE being an aunt. Today is the 14th anniversary of the I became an aunt - today my oldest nephew Josh turned 14! Josh is amazing. He's super smart, he tells/writes fabulous stories, he is a great big brother, he plays the piano and the clarinet, he plays baseball, swims, and tumbles (which is impressive because he's always had struggles with gravity!). He is literally one of the kindest people I know. I am so thankful that he was born into our family. And I'm thankful that he will still let me hug him - even though he's a 14-year-old boy!!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Seriously. How could you not be thankful for this little boy?! Today is Chaser's birthday. He is 5. I am absolutely in love with his red hair, his baby blue eyes and his dimples! He doesn't always love to talk to me, but every once in a while (when I color with him using permanent markers, or if I talk to him about Batman) he and I are friends. He is super sweet and his little smile melts my heart! I love you, Chase!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Relief Society meetings
I really love the Relief Society meetings in my singles ward. They're never long, they're always fun, and the girls that come are great! Tonight we had a "Think Pink" night. Everyone got super decked out in pink clothes and accessories. We decorated sugar cookies, chatted, laughed, and then took the cookies to people we love. It was short, sweet, and I loved it. I'm thankful to be part of that organization!
Monday, February 6, 2012
I curled my hair yesterday (I have to do something to pass the time when church is at 1:00pm and it's fast Sunday!) I'm new to curling my hair. It's definitely not something I do often - it takes 45 minutes, I don't have time to do it often! This morning when I woke up, yesterday's curly hair was still curly...so I went with it. All day long people commented about my hair. It was something rather small, but all day I felt like a million bucks because of the things people said. It made me realize that I need to be better at looking for opportunities to compliment others. If I loved it, I'm sure other people will appreciate it too!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Awesome church meetings
I love the gospel with all my heart. It is the absolute foundation for my life. Sometimes it's a little hard for me to go to church for three hours. But sometimes (like today), all three hours are awesome and it's easy to stay for all three hours. Sometimes the Spirit is there in abundance, and the testimonies that are shared are all incredible, and the Sunday School teacher has prepared a great lesson and everyone participates, and Relief Society is wonderful and I get to learn a little more about a few of the sisters in my ward family. Sometimes I leave feeling spiritually fed and buoyed up! I'm thankful that today was full of awesome church meetings!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
My treadmill
My fabulous mom gave me a treadmill for Christmas. It was actually her treadmill, but using it was hurting her knees. So she gave it to me. I've been waiting to be able to get it to my house. That day finally came! My two oldest brothers helped me get it to my house. I'm pretty sure the treadmill is going to like it's new home in my bedroom! Now I just need to work on getting a TV so I don't have to stare at the wall while I run!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Costa Vida
A few months ago I learned that Costa Vida changed most of their recipes in order to make them gluten free. Since then, I have become a regular. I think my friends are sick of it because that's where I always want to go. I'm grateful they made an effort to cater to us gluten free folks. It's fun to have options!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Sandy City has a safety program that rewards employees for good, consistent safety practices. Every few months we get to have a "safety lunch" in recognition of our accumulated "safety days." The lunch is always a good time and it's a good reminder that we need to put safety first - all the time. We also get a "safety award." Most of the time it's something super handy that I didn't know I needed in my 72 hour kit. I'm grateful for all the safety awards I've collected. I have one killer 72 hour kit, if I do say so myself!
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