Every day there is at least one thing to be thankful for. This is my record.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
The sun
I was so tired last night, I literally fell asleep while was setting my alarm. I use my phone as my alarm. I remember opening the alarm app on my phone and thinking about what time I needed to wake up. And apparently that's as far as I got! Luckily, the sun was up early this morning and woke me up. I had to get ready super fast and I was a little late to work, but I'm thankful I woke up when I did. I'm also thankful that I had an extra phone charger I could take to work. I didn't get around to charging my phone last night either!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Jareds Birthday
I spent the afternoon and the evening with Jared and his family. It's Jared's birthday. I'm thankful I could spend some time with him. I'm thankful he invited me to come to his birthday dinner with his family. It's been fun.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Late check out
I had to fly home from New York today. Sad face. Our flight didn't leave until 7:00pm. I'm thankful we were able to get a late check-out at the hotel. It allowed us to be able to enjoy our last day in the city without having to lug our stuff around. It also allowed us be able to pack the things we purchased today (yay for purses on Canal Street!) and change into comfy clothes to fly home. It was a great weekend! I'm thankful I was able to go on this short vacation! It was a blast!!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
The Subway
I figured out the NYC Subway system. I've ridden the subway plenty of times in the city, but always with someone else leading the way. Today Krista and I found ourselves alone to navigate the city. I'm thankful we were able to figure it out and get to the places we wanted to get to without getting (too) lost! I really love NYC!!
Friday, April 26, 2013
A limo
I rode in a limo for the first time today! In New York City!! We took a red eye flight last night and arrived in NYC early this morning after jus a couple hours of awful sleep on an air plane. When we got to the airport, we were tired. Our friend Heather (who has planned most of our trip) called ahead of time to reserve us a shuttle and found out it was only a few dollars more to get a limo instead. It was an awesome surprise! I'm thankful for the limo. I'm thankful Heather surprised us. We needed that little boost to get going again so we could enjoy our day in the city!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
A Pool Operator Certificate
As part of the process when I got my new job, I had to make a commitment that I would attend a Certified Pool Operator course within 6 months of being hired. I was stressed about this course. I'm a pretty good student and I pick up on things pretty quickly most of the time. But I've never had any experience managing a pool! I spent the last 2 days in the class and today I passed the test (93% - not too shabby)!! I'm thankful to be past that hurdle! I will be thankful when I get my new certificate. They spelled my name wrong on the certificate they gave me today.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Late nights laughing
Tonight I'm thankful for my roommates. We stayed up way past my bedtime talking and laughing. I'm thankful to have those girls in my life. Tonight was the last time we'll get to do that with Emily. She's moving out this weekend. While the selfish side of me wants her to stay here with us, I know she's doing what's best for her. I'm proud of her and the progress she's making in her life. I will miss her! I'm thankful that I was lucky enough to get to have her as a roommie this long!!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Feeling strong
It's been 11 months since I have been able to run on a consistent basis. I'm finally getting to the point where I feel like that will be an option again in my near future. While I've been patiently waiting to be able to add miles, I've been weight training and doing some other cardio work. I'm thankful that all that work has done some good! I went for a run after work today - three miles!! And just a couple very quick breaks (if you count waiting for the cross walk light a break). I felt strong. I felt like I could have gone longer. I'm so thankful to finally feel that way again!
Monday, April 22, 2013
A new phone
I'm thankful I was able to get a new phone. I'm thankful Jared was willing to help me get it all set up. Now lets hope this phone works a little better than my old one did. My old one was struggling!'
Sunday, April 21, 2013
A Sunday nap
I'm thankful for the events of today that allowed me to take a Sunday nap. I have 1:00 church, which means on most Sundays, I don't get a nap. Some argue, "At least you get to sleep in." However, I wake up at 5:00am during the week so my body doesn't usually let me sleep in past about 6:30. So today I'm thankful for Stake Conference. I'm thankful it was at 10:00am and I'm thankful it was fabulous. I'm thankful for the 2 hour nap I got when I got home. And I'm thankful that even after my nap, I still got a whole afternoon to get a few things accomplished. I kind of wish every Sunday could be like today!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
I went to see the movie "42" with Emily and Krista today. I'm thankful for the time I got to spend with them today. I'm also thankful for the story the movie was based on. It was an incredible, feel-good movie and I would definitely recommend it!
Friday, April 19, 2013
I went out with some friends tonight. They lost their keys. They thought the keys might be in their car so we spent a couple hours trying to break into the car with a coat hanger. Eventually I called Sandy city police dispatch. They said they only unlock cars if there's a child or a pet inside...but I talked then into it anyway since we work for Sandy city too! Turns out their keys weren't even in the car. They're just gone! Watching what a pain it is to break into a car helped me realize how thankful I am for keys!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Judy is one of the secretaries who worked at my old office and I am thankful for her. Most of the people in my office didn't have the best relationship with Judy, but I feel like I did. I grew to really appreciate her as a person. She recently received another job offer so she will be leaving out department. Today was her last day. I'm thankful that I got to visit her one last time. I'm thankful that I know I can still see Judy and keep in touch with her. It will be really weird to not have her in the office!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
I manage a rec center. This rec center has no policies! Does that seem ridiculous to anyone else, or is it just me? No refund policy. No membership policies. No reservation policies. They pretty much just handle everything on a case by case basis (handle = "let me have you talk to our center manager about that..."). It's pretty frustrating. But, I'm thankful for the works staff has put in to help me compile some policies about the things I've been getting the most questions about. I hope to a "play book" for my "team" full of policies so we can all be the same page.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
I went to the temple tonight. While I was there, I had this impression that something is about to go wrong. I sat in the temple for a long time until finally the Spirit said, "time to face it." I left. I got home and before I could change my clothes I discovered what was wrong. My mom is really sick (4.5 hours away). She needed someone's help. It took a couple hours, but I finally got things worked out. I'm thankful for the heads up I got from the Spirit. And I'm thankful for friends I can count on to help when I'm desperate!!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Being slow
Today was not a great day for our country. 2 bombs went off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Those runners (and the spectators watching them) are part of the running community - a community I'm thankful to consider myself to be a part of, even though I will never be fast enough to run in Boston (unless I'm still running when I'm 90...I probably shouldn't say never). Sometimes I hate being slow. But not today. Today I'm thankful that I was 2,300 miles away from the Boston marathon. I'm thankful that I was not crossing the finish line when those bombs went off. I'm thankful I am safe. And my heart breaks for those who were not safe.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
I fired up the grill tonight. I'm so thankful for the different methods we have to cook our food, but I am especially thankful for my grill. Everything tastes better when it's cooked over an open fire.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
A registered car
Sometimes I'm not thankful for the fact that I have to be a responsible adult. But, I am anyway. This week I spent WAY too much money on my car - new timing belt, new water pump, replaced serpentine belt, new pulley something or other, and today - emissions test and renewed registration. Lame. But, even though I'm not thankful that I spent so much money, I am thankful to have a legal car that's ready to rock and roll for another 100,000 miles!!
Friday, April 12, 2013
A dinner invite
I didn't have any plans tonight. I figured I would get home, make a simple dinner, maybe watch a show and go to bed early. I would have been perfectly content with that. Instead, a friend I haven't talked to in quite a while texted me and asked if I wanted to go to dinner. I agreed. I'm thankful I went out. I'm thankful I got to talk to her for a bit.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Birthday lunch
My old coworkers had a tradition - we all went to lunch to celebrate each other's birthdays. They went today to celebrate 2 birthdays. I'm thankful they invited me to tag along, even though I don't get to work with then anymore.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Catching up
I got catch up with some old friends (the we've-been-friends-since-elementary-school kind of friends). It was fun to chat and laugh. It's crazy that we all have such different lives...all good, but different. I'm thankful we could get together for a little bit!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
A calm East wind
A couple years ago we had a terrible East wind. We lost power, a lot trees in our neighbor fell over, and there was garbage everywhere. We lost all our street signs and I even watched a ports potty fly end over end down the street. Yesterday, when the national weather service issued a severe wind warning, I hoped it would be as bad as the last wind storm. It wasn't. And I'm thankful! It was really windy, but there wasn't nearly the amount of damage!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Access to my coat
A few weeks ago I wore my winter coat to work. As per usual in utah during the spring, it warmed up quite nicely that day. When I left work, it was beautiful and I completely forgot I had worn a coat to work. My coat has been hanging behind my office door ever since. I'm thankful it was there tonight! I got to spend a good 1.5 hours outside in the rain and freezing cold!! I froze with my coat...I'd hate to think how miserable I would have been without it!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Elder Holland
His talk was my favorite. I lived his words. I loved his testimony. I will think about his talk often and I'm excited to listen to it many more times in the future! I'm thankful for the words of the prophets and I'm thankful for my Heavenly Father who directs His servants to deliver such powerful messages!
Saturday, April 6, 2013
General conference
I'm always thankful for General Conference! I love the Spirit that always come when I listen to our prophets. I'm so thankful for all the technology that makes it possible. I'm thankful for a little bit of change in the weekend routine. The talks today were awesome and definitely spoke to my soul! I'm excited for another day of teachings tomorrow!
Friday, April 5, 2013
April showers
Today was full of April showers. I hope the will bring some May flowers that I can be thankful for as well. I'm also thankful that the showers didn't last all day and the sun got to peek through for a little bit.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
How did companies prepare budgets before Excel? It's bad enough WITH Excel (and I'm thankful I don't have to experience budget preparation without it)!!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
A book
Today the director of my department gave me book. He said he got it at christmastime, but then he was and then I was off and it's just been sitting on his kitchen table. The book is called "Damn Good Advice (for people with talent)." I'm thankful for this book - not only read some (hopefully) great advice, but also because the director seems to think I have talent. I'm thankful for the great people I get to work with and for. And I'm thankful for the boost I got from receiving this book.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Lets be honest - this girl can't dance! I blame my parents for not putting me in at least one dance class as a child. I think I'm going to make my girls dance for at least a little bit in hopes they end up with a little more coordination than me!! But, even though I can't dance, I'm thankful for Zumba. It's a great workout and if nothing else, it's a hour if laughing of laughing at myself, right?
Monday, April 1, 2013
An April fools joke
I'm not much of a pranker. I usually can't keep a straight face, and if I can pull off the straight face, I usually feel guilty afterwards. But tonight when the perfect opportunity presented itself, I couldn't resist!!
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