Monday, July 16, 2012

Things that smell good

I'm NOT thankful for the way my big, black, city garbage can smells right now. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to wash it out after it gets emptied tomorrow. It is nasty!! But I am thankful for the way my purple sweatshirt smells. We had a ward boating day on Saturday and it was fun...until it started raining. Krista and I were leaving, but there was a guy in our ward who had to stay. The people in one of the boats drove off for some fun while his stuff (towel, shirt, phone, etc) were still on the boat. Since I was leaving, I offered him my sweatshirt, which he took, even though it was purple. It was cold!! Tonight he returned it. It smells like a man! And I like it! Maybe eventually I'll wash it...maybe!!

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