Sunday, July 15, 2012

A new calling

I'm not sure I can call it a new calling - I get to teach Relief Society...again. The first calling I got in my singles ward here was Relief Society teacher. I taught for almost 2 years. Then I was called to be a ward missionary and I've been doing that for just about a year. And now - its back to Relief Society teacher. Honestly, I don't mind. I really enjoyed teach RS. I'm thankful I got a little break for a while to be a missionary and I'm thankful to go back to a once a month calling!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I've been teaching the last couple month in r.s. before that I was ysa gospel doctrine. I really like teaching but I'm terrified of what I'll get now that we're moving. I would love to sit in on your lessons, I'm sure you're fantastic.