Sunday, January 5, 2014

Corn chex

I went to church today. Sitting through 3 hours of church is not recommended when you're only 10 days post hip surgery. But I wanted to go! I decided to listen to sacrament meeting from the foyer so I could stretch out on the couch a little bit. It made sitting a tiny bit more bearable. My ward is awesome. They accommodate the 3 of us with gluten intolerances by putting a tiny cup of chex on the sacrament tray. As long as we sit in the middle section of the chapel, they make sure it comes to us. Today, by means of a tender mercy from my Heavenly Father, the tray that came out to the foyer was the tray with the cup of chex. I know some people would chalk that up to a coincidence. But I don't. I'm thankful for tender mercies! 

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