Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tender mercies

I got to teach Relief Society at church today. I really love teaching Relief Society. The lesson did not go like I had planned. My printer didn't work so I couldn't print what I had prepared. I rely on my notes - probably too much. I prayed the printer would work. It didn't. I prayed I could get my notes to come up on my iPad. That worked, but I felt like I would be too distracted trying to teach from the iPad. So I prayed, until my lesson was over I prayed. I taught with no notes. And surprisingly, it was awesome. The Spirit was pretty intense. I had everyone attention...if anyone was whispering, I didn't see it. People contributed. I could see in people's eyes that they got it. I am thankful that I get to teach! I'm thankful that Heavenly Father let me be the mouthpiece to teach His children today. I am beyond grateful that the lesson went as well as it did today. I don't think it would have been the same if I had my I guess I'm even grateful that I couldn't print my notes.

Teaching the lesson was a tender mercy. I'm also thankful for another tender mercy. We finally got a great set of home teachers. It's been 3 years since we had home teachers that actually came! Today it snowed - quite a bit. My rockstar home teacher loaded his snowblower into his truck and drove to our house to clear our driveway! I am so thankful for him and that very thoughtful service!

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