Friday, December 28, 2012


I drove my car today. I'm so thankful that the recovery from this surgery hasn't been half as bad as I thought it would be. I read blogs from other patients who had the same surgery and they said they had to take a month off work and didn't drive themselves until 4 weeks post-op. Not me. I'm getting around great (without crutches even), I'm not taking the prescription pain killers anymore, and 2 weeks post-op, I was out driving around. I'm thankful that I can have my independence back. I'm also thankful for Rodney, who so kindly shoveled the snow so I could get my car out of the driveway! The people who do snow removal for my housing complex pushed all the snow from my driveway into a wall between my driveway and the street. I wanted to get out of the house badly enough that I almost shoveled it myself! But I didn't have to, thanks to Rodney!

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