Friday, February 14, 2014


I'm sick. I've been fighting it since Monday. Every day has been just a tiny bit worse than the day before. Today I coughed all day. Hard. I stayed home tonight and I'm headed to bed before 9:00pm. And yet, I'm thankful for the timing of this sickness. I prayed so hard that I would be able to make it through my surgery recovery without getting sick. And I did! Even with both of my roommates getting the flu. Even with EVERYONE I work with getting sick! I held out. I'm thankful my body was able to fight it all off until now. I'm thankful I have a 3-day weekend ahead of me with no plans. I'm thankful I can just rest and hopefully be back to 100% before Tuesday. I'm also thankful I had some cough medicine here so I didn't have to go to the store tonight. I really hope it works well so I can sleep!! 

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I love your blog and all it represents. Makes me look at all the little things I've missed during the day