Thursday, December 19, 2013

Final budget numbers

I organized a half marathon this past summer. It was a lot of work and we ran into a few obstacles that set us back quite a bit. The race itself ended up being a huge success. I had so much help from so many other departments in Sandy. I really do work with great people!! But, I've been dreading the day that the final budget numbers came in. I knew the race didn't make any money. We anticipated that would be the case the first year. When I ran numbers on the things I knew, I calculated that the race lists tens of thousands of dollars! I hoped that the positive feedback and the great representation of the city would make up the loss. We got the final (almost...close enough) numbers put together today. We lost less than $2,000! I'm so excited and so thankful! I talked to the organizers of a very similar race, which is now ultra successful and they lost over $50,000 on their first race. I'm so thankful our loss wasn't that bad. I'm thankful for all the help and support we had. I can't wait to see how the race grows next year! 

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