Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mom time

My mom is pretty freaking awesome!! I love her and I love spending time with her. I don't even care what we do, I'm just thankful to have her close. I'm thankful for the scalp treatment I got while she got a much needed haircut. I'm thankful for a trip to Costco so she could have her first green smoothie adventure. I'm thankful for a quiet afternoon at home, a delicious (as always) dinner at Anasazi, and a movie on Netflix. I'm thankful for the laughs and the fun. I can't wait to spend tomorrow and the next day and the next day with my crazy, funny, beautiful momma!! 

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I love your mom too. Great job on the marathon. I haven't prepared that well for my half next week but I will finish even if I have to walk. I've learned a lot no matter what happens and thank you for inspiring me to try.