Sunday, September 22, 2013

A dead spider

Last week I saw a spider in my garage. It was big and black and nasty. When I tried to kill this spider by stepping on it, it jumped over my foot, off the stairs and ran away! It was an awful experience! After thinking about that spider almost everyday, I decided it was time to do something about it. I bought some pest control spray from Home Depot (thanks to my coworker Todd for the recommendation). While I was spraying my garage, I found that big, black, jumping spider! This time it was a little slower because I had just sprayed him. That didn't stop it from jumping TOWARD me multiple times, but he didn't have anywhere to hide. I worked up some courage and stepped on him! I'm so thankful that spider is dead! And I'm thankful that there's a spray that will (supposedly) keep the spiders and other creepy crawlies out of my house!!

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