Wednesday, August 7, 2013

This blog

I started this thankful record quite a while ago. To be honest, I'm surprised I still keep it up. It's definitely a habit. And one I hope to keep for a long, long time. Here's why: today was awful. I worked for 11 hours. I didn't eat "lunch" until 4:30. I had to fight fires (not literal fires...). I had to smooth things over that other people had ruined for me. I found out that a person I trusted very much has been lying to me. I had to do interviews (I HATE doing interviews). I didn't get to run on my lunch break like I had planned (because I didn't get a lunch break). I didn't get home until 8:45pm. And I had to work late last night. And I have to work late tomorrow. It was a rotten day. It was hard. But, despite all the awful things that happened today, I'm still in the habit of recording at least one thing I'm thankful for. Every night before I go to bed, I reevaluate my day and I focus on all the things I'm thankful for. Usually when I have an extra bad day, I'm just thankful that not every day is that bad! There is something very therapeutic about ending every day with a positive, thankful thought. That's why I'm thankful for this blog!!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I'm thankful for you and in 30 minutes it will officially be your birthday... oh wait on Utah time it is. Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!