Monday, February 4, 2013

A countdown

I love to run. When I'm actually running, it's not super fun. But I love the way it makes me feel more than almost anything else! I haven't been in a running routine since last May! I'm about to lose my mind! You would think after having surgery on one knee and then having surgery on the opposite hip, I would learn my lesson and find a new hobby. But I can't. I just need to run! Today I'm thankful that my physical therapist finally gave me a date when she will let me start "running." "Running" is in quotes, because its not actually really running. I'll be "running" in an alter-G treadmill, or, as I like to call it - the anti-gravity treadmill. You literally get zipped in and then then the treadmill lifts you up so you're not running on your full body weight. The therapist said I'll probably only start with 50% of my body weight...but that's okay. I'll take it! 14 days from now I will start the long process to get back to running. And I'm thrilled!

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