Tuesday, January 1, 2013


This blog/record started because of a resolution - a resolution to be more grateful. I am blessed every day and it's easier to see that with a thankful heart. I also made a resolution for 2012 to take advantage of every opportunity and/or prompting to say thank you. I wrote many emails, Facebook messages, and thank you cards just to make sure that the people around me know that I am thankful for the things they do for me. I also made a few other resolutions for 2012 that blessed my life - attending the temple regularly, pursuing a Master's degree, and a few different health goals. Most of these resolutions were successful, and are actually just a part of my life now. I'm thankful for the opportunity I have to reflect on my life, decide what needs to be improved and make a plan to make it happen. I haven't had a chance to write out my resolutions for 2013. I have quite a few ideas, but I know they will only be ideas unless I write them down!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

And mine will be to write you back!