Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Today my heart is aching. I miss my dad!! I just want to talk to him so bad! I want to tell him about the things that are going on in my life. I want to ask him for advice. I want him to give me unsolicited advice about dating. Sometimes it still gets to be too much for me. Sometimes I fall apart. Sometimes I think, "I would give anything to have him back for just one more day." And while I know that can't happen, I am so, so thankful for forever. I'm thankful that someday I will get to be with my dad forever. I will have the chance to tell him all about my life. I will have forever to ask him for advice. I will have him (and the rest of my family) forever.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm sure the holidays are especially hard for you, jetta. hang in there! i love you and think you are so great! no one can replace your dad!