Friday, November 2, 2012

Eternal families

I've been missing my dad A LOT lately! I applied and interviewed for a new position at work. I rocked the first interview and today I was scheduled for a second interview. I'm pumped! And I really, really wish there was a way that I could have a conversation with my dad. I know he would be so proud of me! But I'm selfish and just knowing that isn't enough. I want to hear him say it. I want to hear his advice about how to rock the second interview. And I want him to tell me everything I need to know about potentially accepting a new position.
I know that's just not possible. Not right now. But there is definitely a comforting in knowing that my family is eternal. I'm thankful that someday we will all be reunited. And I really hope that when that comes, I will be able to hear my dad tell me that he is proud of me!

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