Thursday, August 16, 2012


I used to be a really, really, REALLY picky eater. I'm super nervous to have my own kids. I'm sure they will be just as picky. And I will deserve it. When I was little, my parents planted a garden every year. Every year, we would harvest the veggies and my mom would spend hours and hours in the kitchen canning. One of the things I remember most is the smell of the tomatoes. She would put them in this grinder thing and our whole house would smell like tomatoes. That would have been fine, but I HATED tomatoes!! My parents used to eat them like apples with a little bit of salt. I would gag. But, I'm thankful that my taste buds changed. Now that I'm older, and more mature, I can absolutely appreciate the deliciousness of a fresh picked, home-grown tomato! Bonus points if it's still a little warm from being outside. I'm thankful that I grew out of being so picky so that I can be thankful for fresh tomatoes! I'm also thankful for Emily's parents, who grew the fresh tomatoes that I have been enjoying the past couple days!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I've been wanting to ask you if you eat onions now. I've grown up in my eating too must be those dying taste buds :)