Sunday, August 26, 2012


I knew that having a new challenge in my life would be good for me. That's the biggest reason I decided to go back to school. This weekend I feel like I've gained all the fringe benefits from having a challenge. Yesterday was so productive because it had to be! I had to get a bunch of things done and I knew that - so they got done. And today was the best Sabbath day I've had in a long time! I literally had tears in my eyes for the majority of our three hour block. The Spirit just had a message for me and I couldn't deny it! I'm grateful for the focus I feel like I have in my life right now. I feel a sense of purpose and direction. It's kind of ridiculous to feel that and be so overwhelmed at the same time, but I do. I'm hoping that overwhelmed feeling will go away soon so I can just enjoy the focus!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I'm happy you're being strengthened